
Pathway Search

nystatin biosynthesis

State Icon Reaction EC-Number Confidence maximal confidence score from EnzymeDetector
acetyl-CoA + malonyl-CoA + (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA + NADPH + H+ <=> decarboxy-dehydroxy-demycosaminyl-nystatin + CoA + CO2 + H2O + NADP+ 2.3.1

decarboxy-dehydroxy-demycosaminyl-nystatin + O2 + NADPH + H+ <=> decarboxy-demycosaminyl-nystatin + H2O + NADP+ 1.14.13

decarboxy-demycosaminyl-nystatin + NADPH + H+ + O2 <=> demycosaminyl-nystatin + NADP+ + H2O 1.14.13

GDP-mycosamine + demycosaminyl-nystatin <=> Nystatin + GDP + H+ 2.4.1

Visualization of the pathway